

글 | 이송 기자 2021-09-26 / 14:48

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The urgent thing to do is list up the bucket list which should be specific and concise and the daily routine schedule is also urgent and important. 


Theoretically, daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annually and 5 years, 10 years and 20, 30 and 40 years or more should be set up as soon as possible. It will be a milestone for our life journey.


The problem is that even though we spend so much time, we still have difficulties in finding out what we really want to do. If you find out it as early as you can, it will give you a strong competitiveness. 


Further, the setting a daily plan is the most important because every 30 minutes per a day will change our life. But keep in mind that too much tight schedule will not work effectively because such plan will easily burn ourselves out. 


Nevertheless, the sooner such milestone is set, the more competitive you will be. 

Further, also please keep in mind such plans will be periodically monitored, evaluated and revised accordingly!

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조회수 : 930

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스팸방지 (필수입력 - 영문, 숫자 입력)
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