What is the first house? There is no clear data or evidence, but it may be understood that cave which will protect from the human being from the enemy such animal, etc. And, they will stay in the cave in a group.
As they was be able to use stone and fire, they do not afraid of animals any more and might go out of cave. Then, they started to build the house in using woods. Later on, they might build the houses by using of stone.
In this context, the pyramid will be looked into as a house for the dead person. The Egytian believed that the dead man will travel for the different world, and they will come back to previous their own body. And they tried to preserve the body of the dead persons in a way of mirra and also build big and safe pyramid.
Now, especially for the post-corona era, the house will be more compound complex which will afford to meet the needs in the residential, business and leisure perspectives. Also, it will be forced to accommodate the facilities for the metaverse world as well.
Where is the most optimized place and what is the best creation of space in the near future?