Real Estate


글 | 이동선 기자 2021-09-25 / 14:59

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 Personally, the most impressive park in the cities will in the world be a park which is located in the center part of Berlin. The space of the park is very huge and is overwhelming. 


It gives us a feeling for the freindliness of such park. In Berlin, most of buildings are not so tall, and such park appears to fit the environments of Berlin, and provides a peace of mind.


Central park of New York is also impressive. It is located at the center of the upper town of Mahattan. Most of buildings in New York are so high, and central park give us a very good scene. Especially top floor of big buildings has a very nice view due to the central park. 


On the other hand, Seoul does not have an impressive park. Some old palace serve as a kind of park, but they are closed and it is difficult to commnicate or connect with citizen and cars. Thus, it comparatively appears to be dry. 


Therefore, now it is a time for remodeling of Seoul over all. 

"High-rise buildings, and more green spaces and urban parks which are more open and interconnected!"

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조회수 : 381

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이름 비밀번호
스팸방지 (필수입력 - 영문, 숫자 입력)
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