Urban small park should serve for the citizens who want to stay calm and relaxed. Therefore, any facilities which will interfere with such a quiet moment of citizens will be avoided as mcu as possible.
Recently, I had a chance to pass by the corner of a small urban part, and was shocked to hear a electronical sound. It sounds like " Do not throw away trash! This ares ....." Even walking through far away from such structure trigger such electronical sound, and irritated me.
I was so mad becasue I visited this area to heal myself. This area belongs to the park which will serve for the relaxation of citizens. Such sound was a barrier for the citizens to enjoy relaxed and peaceful moments.
We may understand the difficulties of the administraters and their excuses that because this area suffered serious damages due to the massive trashes, and such facilities was built accordingly.
Nevertheless, such facilities will be removed because it hurts the peace of the citizens. Massive trashes should be resolved in a way other than such facilities. Such facilities is just outcome from the adminstraters oriented policy which should be demolished. The admininstraters should put a high priority on servign for the citizen's interest based on the citizen oriented policy!