Real Estate

Real Estate related financing

글 | 유환일 기자 2021-09-22 / 14:48

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The concept for the fortune is being changed. Unfortunately, we have had a misunderstanding for the fortune, and now should correct it. Further, the early education and training for the furtune is needed.


In this context, the financing in relation to real estate is one of area which we should know more clearly. 


First of all, the exact evaluation for the real estate is important. Thus, we should know the method of calculating the fair value of a particular real estate. Evaluation is a starting point to understand the financing in relation to real estate. 


There are many courses in the MOOC, which is the most effective ways of getting knowledge. 


Now, spend some time to understand financing fields, which will be one of import tools to acquire the passive income. 

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조회수 : 413

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