The Book " Millionaire Messenger" written by Bredon Burchard is to provide a quite interesting tips to us, especially in digital era. Especially someone who want to be a YOUTUBER, his advice will be helpful. It is because his advise is to encourage everyone who admire the famous YOUTUBERS and want to be a youtuber to get a influencer and to obtain a reputation and money as well. This book provides various practical tips to be s successful on-line influencer like YOUTUBER.
First, he encourages everyone to be a influence who sell his knowledge, experience, expertise, etc. because everyone got something in his field, or otherwise is qualifed to learn such knowledge, expetise, experience, etc. He experienced a car accident which drived him to help others. Likewise, everyone will have his/her own experience which is valuable to share with other. And therefore, everyone should focus on the finding ot his own strengths. Based on such experience, expertise, etc, hw will be s advice guru and build his own Expert Empire, which will lead him to become a Milllionaire.
In this regard, he illustrated for us 10 steps to an Expert Empire.
1. Claimyour topic
2. Pick your audience
3. Discover their needs
4. Define your story
5. Create a solution
6. Put up a website
7. Campaign your program
8. Get prono partner
9. Post free content
10. Focus on value, distinction,service.
I strongly recommend to closely read his book in order to get valuable practical tips in the digital era.