Real Estate

Core area of the core cities become more important.

글 | 김승열 기자 2020-03-24 / 08:55

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Core area of the core cities become more important.
The characteristic of the digital age is that all first-class leaders are independent. This means that the level of rich and poor of the rich and the poor grows.

For example, consider the case of real estate. In the future, prices for Gangnam's best apartments and shopping malls will rise even more. On the other hand, it is difficult to expect a large price increase for real estate in the metropolitan area or local areas. This phenomenon will intensify over time.

In this respect, the elderly are also returning to the city center. Being in the city center provides access to welfare facilities such as hospitals. Therefore, the quality of life will be higher. It is also relatively easy to find jobs for older people. Therefore, the population is likely to concentrate more in the city center.

In this context, urban agriculture is in the limelight. Rather than going to the countryside and doing hard farming, there is an increasing tendency to work in the city center and seek the pleasure of doing hobbies.

Now I need a reverse idea. For older people, it is important to secure a very small area of residential space in the middle of the city center.

The core space of the city is well managed even with air quality. And it has good access to various welfare and welfare facilities. Furthermore, the possibility of finding a job relatively increases.

In this context, it is time to properly design the life of the elderly after retirement.
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조회수 : 595

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스팸방지 (필수입력 - 영문, 숫자 입력)
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