Real Estate

idyllic life in the urban area

글 | 이동선 기자 2021-10-02 / 15:06

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The romance for soil and plants is endless. And the pleasure of the earth and fresh green is still fascinating. Some scholars alleged that if you live in contact with the soil, you will not get dementia. Soil contains bacteria that prevent dementia. It is clear that a life familiar with nature is the quality of life that everyone wants. If so, there is a trend to completely change the perspective and think in the opposite direction. This is urban agriculture. That is, to bring agriculture to the city. In other words, we want to see the joy of rural life while living in the city we are familiar with.

Typical examples are vertical greening (wall greening) and box vegetable gardens. Installing a vertical garden on the wall of a city building or office is called vertical greening. It is also heard that the new building in Seoul is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest area for vertical greening. Now that cultivation methods have been developed, it is possible not only to plant it in the ground, but also to plant it on a wall. In particular, if you use flowerpots well, it is possible to green the wall without much difficulty. It is said that when wall recording is used, the indoor temperature drops by about 3 degrees in summer. This is because the heat energy in the concrete is used by plants for photosynthesis.

It also reduces environmental hormones on walls. In particular, it can contribute to reducing fine dust. Therefore, the wall-removing project is currently being studied in the classrooms of elementary and secondary schools. And it would be an added bonus if they were to allocate their own space to manage the plants.


Another example is the box garden. It is necessary to break away from the stereotype that plant cultivation requires a lot of land and area. Plants can be grown in a very small area. And you don't even need a lot of water. Or you can put a wick under the pot and put a box of water under it. Therefore, using it, you can grow many different plants on the veranda. If this is expanded a bit more, it is desirable to use an urban park or a high water site. It is also worth considering selling about 1 pyeong(3.3 M2) per year to individual citizens who want a box vegetable garden. You can have the advantage of properly utilizing the space that is currently somewhat neglected. Furthermore, it is possible to expand the green space of the entire city. And as an individual citizen who received a sale, you can feel the idyllic pleasures of the city.

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조회수 : 561

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스팸방지 (필수입력 - 영문, 숫자 입력)
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